
Mentoring for Young Adults Grant

The World Outspoken Internship program is expanding!

World Outspoken is a recipient of the Forum for Theological Exploration’s Mentoring for Young Adults grant. WOS is committed to offering internship opportunities to undergraduate and graduate students as they process a hyphenated identity, ministry to diasporic people, and faithful ways to honor the traditions they inherit. These interns are given real ministry experiences that will prepare them for the complex challenges of the mestizo church.

Launched as a pilot August 2020, The World Outspoken Culturemakers Internship Program successfully welcomed five interns onto the team. These talented students contributed to the ministry of WOS through graphic and web design, social media management, course creation, and content translation during the 2020-2021 academic year. Mentoring is a critical component of the program. Small group gatherings and one-one conversations between interns and mentors, become catalysts for spiritual and professional growth.

Thank you, FTE, for partnering with us in preparing in the next generation to lead whole and healthy ministries.